In this article you can find info about the following:
The salon calendar settings can be modified with the administrator rights.
1.Edit the info text of the booking page
You can easily set up messages for your clients regarding booking in your Salon’s calendar settings.
Select "Settings" from the left menu
Go to Salon Calendar Settings.
You can enter the desired info text on the booking page with the "Show info text / News in booking" function.
You can add text by activating the button in green
Enter the Title and the text.
If you wish, you can receive a copy of the e-mails of the booking , for example, to the administrator of the salon's email.
2.Select the sender and reply email
1. Enter the sender's name. Here you can use the name of the salon or your own name.
2. If clients respond to booking confirmations, select which email the responses will go to.
Additional own text to booking confirmation emails
You can set up own message for your client's booking confirmations.
1. Select "Settings" from the left menu
2. Go to Salon Calendar Settings.
3. You will be able to write information to the customer on the booking confirmation.
4. You can add text by activating the button in green.
5.Write a message.